I have been to Amsterdam twice and I really enjoyed it. Whether you're into the drug scene, or just to see Amsterdam as a really nice and laid back town.

The first time I went I staid in a town close by called Utrecht. I had an unlimited rail pass so the journey into Amsterdam was free and maybe only took 30-45 minutes. I just looked in my journal and it was 15 euro a night (this was a few years ago, but still can't be 50-60) and it had free internet and free food. All types of pasta, cookies, cakes, bread and eggs. I didn't write the name of it down, but after looking at hostelz.com it might be this one. It will also give you the chance to see a city other than Amsterdam in the Netherlands.
It says it has free internet, breakfast and lunch and only cost 16 euro for a dorm bed (but $30 for booking online, so it might be worth sending an email to double check price). I will preface that this place wasn't the cleanest, and was crowded, but if a bed is all you want, it might be worth it. Not sure if it had lockers, so you might have to ditch your bags at either the Amsterdam or Utrecht train station which might cost a few extra Euros, but if you get free meals, it's hard to beat.
The second time I went to Amsterdam I stayed in the city and it's nice because after a few beers and coffee bars, it gets hard to remember the train schedule to make it back to Utrecht. All I've heard from anyone who go to Amsterdam is the hostels they've stayed at aren’t the cleanest. I think they jack up the prices so they don't get the bums, drifters and drug addicts staying there, but try to keep it safe by accommodating young travelers hoping to see a sex show and buy weed.

If you look at a map of Amsterdam, find the train station. See all the canals that make a series of "U" shapes? The closer to the station in the center of the "U" is the main part of town with all the coffee shops and red light district. The further you get out of town the cheaper a hostel should be. This one for instance is $30 per night.
The only bummer is no smoking or alcohol is allowed, but if that doesn't bother you, it might be up your alley. The area around Vondelpark I thought was nice and it's not that far from the city center.