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Saturday, 14 March 2009

Backpacker Rob Shares His Favorite Travel Experiences

Rob from Lincoln, England, states:

Having my passport confiscated by Slovakian ticket inspectors and having to bribe the police to let me out of the country was a pretty memorable moment. As was waking up on an empty Hungarian train to find that the engine had been uncoupled and was heading off down the track without me. But the beauty and drama of northern Norway and the friendliness of the people of Croatia were the two best parts of the trip.


  1. I traveled across Europe by bus a few years back with my girlfriend. London to Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague and then our money ran out in Munich where we flew home. Great idea traveling overnight, meant we didn't loose a usable day to travel, but also it was a night where we didn't have to pay to stay in a hostel.

    Best moment was finding a food and drink festival in Berlin on our last night, worst moment was the food poisoning i received from the festival and having to deal with that at 3 am in the morning arriving in the Czech Republic. language barrier and no local currency almost led to a fight as i ran into a local pub to use the toilets and had no money to buy a drink. Stressful at the time, but we were laughing about it that night.

  2. I have only been on one backpacking trip, but I think the best memories were just walking through all the cities with my travel buddy talking about life. You are with the same person day in and day out, so you have some pretty great convos along the way. Some people travel with big groups or by themselves, but I think being with one person was a perfect way to backpack!
