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HI¡ I was wondering when does the book is going to be on sail... I really found your advices very usefull, so I supose that the book would really handy... Well thanks anyway for everything
We made the decision to see the world when we entered college. Scott studied abroad in England for a year and took his first backpacking trip through Europe in 2005. Krystin studied abroad in Germany for a summer before embarking on a backpacking excursion with Scott in 2007. Scott proposed on the last day of that adventure, and we moved to England to obtain our Master of Arts degrees this year. We began writing this book after purchasing numerous ones in preparation for our first trips that simply didn’t provide us with the information we needed—advice about how and what to pack, what hostels are actually like, and how to get around. Our experiences have taught us a considerable amount about how to make a successful journey abroad. We always travel on a limited budget, which ends up adding to the experience rather than deterring from it. Our goal is to publish a book for fellow young and adventurous Americans who want to make the dream of seeing the world a reality and have limited funds to do so. We hope that within the pages of our book, we have provided a practical and detailed guide to ensure that backpackers are prepared for the trip of a lifetime.
HI¡ I was wondering when does the book is going to be on sail... I really found your advices very usefull, so I supose that the book would really handy... Well thanks anyway for everything
ReplyDeleteIts really awesome try more ,
ReplyDeletexe moneda