Our visit to the Lake District and Nottinghamshire in England followed by Tours and Paris in France was a great adventure with 16 straight days of sun. The journey included getting a Robin Hood-style bullseye in the Sherwood Forest, driving along crazy, windy roads, accidentally buying sausage made of stomach but making up for it by making delicious crepes, walking for miles to save money on subway fares, running into pushy Japanese tourists at Versailles, and drinking plenty of cheap red wine. While away, we recorded a video about renting bikes and camping and hiking in the Lake District as well as more shots of hostels and miscellaneous tips along the way. We'll do my best to get these together as soon as possible for everyone.
The photos below are of the Louvre and Eiffel Tower in Paris followed a view of a valley and our campsite in the Lake District.

Great Pics¡ I look forward for the videos... Your fan from Mendoza, Argentina.