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Thursday, 19 November 2009

How To Protect Your Backpack On Trains

A great way to save some money is by sleeping on trains overnight, but it's hard to sleep when you're constantly thinking someone might walk off with your bag. Keeping your bag in the seat next to you so you can monitor it may seem like the best way to keep your backpack safe, but trains are often crowded to the point where every seat is taken.

Securing your bag to the overhead rack is the next best option, but some are too small so the racks near the doors must be used. This makes it convenient for someone to grab your backpack and run just before the train leaves a station unless your backpack is hard to move from the rack. Therefore, the best method to ward off thieves is to lock your backpack to the luggage rack with a simple bike chain.

The best place to sleep is in the six-person cabs that some trains offer which provides slightly more privacy and safety. However, these are not always available or can seem cramped if you are sitting inside one next to a family of four with a screaming baby. See our video:

These cabs have a sliding door and luggage racks above booth-style seats where backpacks can be secured. Just be aware of your surroundings and never leave valuables in your backpack! You will always be able to finish your trip as long as your money, passport, and camera are in your pockets... you may be slightly smelly, but you will finish nonetheless.


  1. Great tip¡ Thank you for your good work, is really helpfull. Your fan from Argentina, Santiago. Bye, until the next post...
