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Friday, 19 March 2010

Three Sheets with Zane Lamprey

We all love Anthony Bordain and Samantha Brown, but for those of you bored with many of the travel programs out there where the hosts stay in the priciest of accommodations and then tend to complain about how difficult life is, we have the perfect show for you. Three Sheets is hosted by comedian Zane Lamprey and follows him as he travels around the world learning the local drinking cultures. Yes, he is paid to travel and drink in the coolest places on Earth.

Three Sheets is currently in its fourth season. We know we should have let you in on this treasure of a show sooner but all previous episodes can still be watched here. The current season airs on the Fine Living Network, which can almost only be found on satellite or one of those extreme cable packages so watching it online or buying the DVDs seems to be the best option.

The best part about the show is that it is interactive. Unlike most travel shows where you simply sit on the sofa and watch someone talk about the culture and drinking, Zane has made the show into a drinking game. In the first episode he assures the audience it is “not a drinking game, so keep that in mind. That being said, if it were a drinking game, the rules would go something like this: When I drink, you drink. The first person to see a monkey like this one gets to make someone else drink. And when I talk about a friend of mine, it’s a social.” Then Zane immediately takes a huge swig of beer for the audience’s first participation in the game. A few more rules are added in later seasons and it’s always fun to make your own as you go along.

Zane doesn’t only drink; if he did, the show may get a little too sloppy. Instead, he gives you some history, fun facts about the local culture and details about how the local brews are made, many times helping out in the process. He also visits local bars (of course) and restaurants, and on each trip he tries out the local hangover remedy like bathing in beer in Prague, eating sausage and pretzels in Munich or just some traditional "hair of the dog" remedies in many cities.

A few of the countries Zane visits are Mexico, Wales, Ireland, France, Belgium, Belize, Jamaica, Philippines, South Korea, Portugal, Spain, Denmark, Venice, Taipei, Costa Rica, Croatia, Puerto Rico, Japan... and even Scott's home state of Kentucky for some bourbon... and streaking!

Zane is also hitting the road for his "DRINKING MADE EASY" comedy tour stopping in about 40 cities across the country (including Hawaii). And if that isn’t enough Zane for you, he’s got a new book out; "THREE SHEETS: 6 CONTINENTS, 15 COUNTRIES, 190 DRINKS AND 1 MEAN HANGOVER" (published by Random House)! And, as you can imagine, it's a drink-along book.


  1. I love three sheets, Zane is quite the funny host with a quirky sense of humor and the BAC tolerance of a hero. One of my favorite episodes was South Korea (I had never dreamed of the strafe alcohol bomb) and the foot rub hangover cure in Taipei is the best. Prost!

  2. OMG The Beer Hunter in Belgium! That show ROX!!!!

  3. The Beer Hunter is one very strange man. I appreciate people who love their beer as much as he does, but he is in a different league.

    The one in Champagne, France is a hard one to drink along to because Zane adds an extra rule to drink every time he says "Champagne" and then proceeds to say it about 15 times in a row while trying to figure out how to correctly pronounce it.

    All the episodes were very good and the funniest moment of all has to be when he falls on the ride at Oktoberfest!!!
