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Saturday 4 April 2009

Budgeting Tips From Backpacker Mike

Mike from Eerie, PA, states:

To save some Euros, take the night train. When you sleep and travel,
you don’t need a hostel. Also, airports are some of the best sleeping
I have found. There are all sorts of hidden nooks and crannies, and if
you tie a bandanna around your eyes, put in ear plugs and stuff your
valuables down your trousers, I have found you can sleep through just
about anything… Anything.

Why pay for a hostel when you can sleep with a local! A few gin and
tonics are a lot cheaper than an overcrowded, dank, bedbug-infested
dorm room. Play your cards right and you might even get a free
breakfast. Alright!

Also, if you are the type that likes to stay up all night, do it! Drop
your bag at the left luggage in the train station and live it up until all
those business types are on their way to work. Have you ever slept
in a park during the day? I have. Not only is it great feeling closer to
nature, it is free – so are the drinking fountains.


  1. The best way to save money is by not eating out! I made the mistake of eating out in a touristy part of Paris only to spend 20 Euros that I could have spread across three days there eating brie baguettes and drinking wine! The food wasn't even that great. Totally not worth the money. A picnic would have been a much better way to go, which is what I ended up doing for the rest of the trip.
